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Governor Scott does not recommend state support for arts & culture grants

Florida Cultural Alliance --
Action ALERT and Resources to Use and Save for Future Use

The time is now to step up and speak out -- arts & culture part of the solution.

Support for government investments in arts & culture is under attack:  Governor Scott does not recommend state support for arts & culture grants in his proposed budget; U.S. Florida Representative Connie Mack introduced an amendment to zero out the National Endowment for the Arts; the Florida Legislature has reduced support by over 95% over the last five years for arts & culture grants, making the per capita investment only 5 cents per Floridian.

Will you and others step up and speak out now?  Your voice matters.
I.   What You Can Do Now -- simple steps you can take now to communicate with
     your state and federal policy makers that arts & culture deserve their support and
     matter to you and others in your community.

      The following resources are for your advocacy use now and in the future.
      Please save this e-mail for future reference; and once a week, go to for advocacy updates.  Thank you for your advocacy efforts.

II.  State Budget Information:       

       a.  Overview of Governor Scott's Proposed State Budget     
       b.  Governor's Proposed Budget Bill and His Recommendations for DCA  
       c.  Current (FY2011) State Budget Page for DCA (Division of Cultural Affairs)
       d.  Five-Year History of State Funding for DCA 
       e.  Governor Scott's February 12 E-mail About His Proposed Budget 
       f.   Florida Tax Watch Report  on Governor's Proposed Budget        

III.  2011 Florida Legislative Platform for Arts & Culture:
      a.  2011 Florida Legislative Platform for Arts & Culture
      b.  Comparison Report of DCA-Grant Measurements FY 2006-07 and 2009-10
      c.  2011 Sample Talking Points On How Arts & Culture Are Part of Solution to
           Help Rebuild Florida's Economy  

IV.  Division of Cultural Affairs' (DCA) 2011-2012 Grant Requests:

      a.  Final Ranked Applicants for Four DCA Grant Lists by Counties
      b.  Final Total Applicants by Grant Types by Counties Alpha
      c.  Final Total Applicants by Grant Types by Counties
      d.  Ranked Cultural Facilities by Rank AND by County
      e.  Ranked Cultural Endowment List
      f.   Ranked Specific Cultural Project Applicant List (On DCA Website)
      g.  Ranked General Program Support Applicant List (On DCA Website)

 V.  2011 Suggested Advocacy Strategies:
      a.  Register to participate on Arts & Culture Day in Tallahassee and Other
           Advocacy Days in Tallahassee and Washington, D.C.
      b.  Step Up & Speak Out -- Arts & Culture Part of the Solution Campaign:

           1.  Communicate now with Florida Legislative Budget Leadership --
                go to #5 under Advocacy Resources.  Also use this free Americans for the
                Arts Calculator to ascertain your organization's economic impact. Help
                inform these legislative leaders that state support helps preserve and
                create jobs in your community --use a couple of sample talking points, plus
                your own.  Our industry is critical to help rebuild our economy. 
           2.  Suggestions to Effectively Communicate with your legislators.  
           3.  Communicate with members of the Transportation and Economic
                Development Appropriations Committees in both the House and Senate --
                refer to #3 under Advocacy Resources.
           4.  Meet and communicate with your senators and representatives about the
                importance of these state dollars -- access those members who represent
                your county here.
           5.  Include them on your mailing list -- invite them to your events?
           6.  January/February 2011 Advocacy Calendar and
                November/December 2010 Advocacy Calendar
           7.  Comprehensive Advocacy Strategies -- go to B.3 when page opens
add your own advocacy strategies to the list.
           8.  Join us now on Find us on Facebook and at
           9.  Download Excel files of your county legislators and key legislative

              a.  Florida House Directory
              b.  Florida Senate Directory
              c.  Florida Guide to Government

        10.  Bookmark the Florida Legislature and the Florida Cultural
              Alliance websites and Americans for the Arts Action Center
              for easy-advocacy reference.

VI.  Other Important Information to Share:

          1.  Take Action Now to Save NEA  -- alert with Florida members of Republican
               Study Committee 
          2.  Take Action Now to Save NPR and PBS 
          3.  Article on Attacks on State Arts Agencies and Funding of Arts                


Sherron Long, president
Florida Cultural Alliance
Post Office Box 2131
West Palm Beach, Florida 33402-2131


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